Home Safety Tips for Children

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Enhance your home’s protection with our custom security solutions tailored to your specific needs. At Wonder Bars, we offer affordable, intelligent products like burglar bars, security gates, and more—all designed without compromising on style. Contact us today for a free home security assessment and take the first step towards peace of mind.

Home Safety Tips for Children

Keeping our children safe as parents is always our biggest concern. While we know, we can’t protect them from the ups and downs of life indefinitely, what we can do is make sure home is a safe place. Putting in place security measures can go a long way to increasing home safety. Here’s how to make your home a more secure place…

1. Ensure Your Kids Are in a Safe Environment

If you’ll be working while your children are on holiday and you will be leaving them at home, it’s important to leave them supervised by an adult. Equally important is that your home has security measures such as burglar bars in place to keep children safe while you aren’t there. You should show your children how trellis gates work so that in an emergency they know how to close them quickly.

2. Put Emergency Numbers in Plain Sight for Children

Add your cell number, the numbers of your security company and other emergency services, where your kids can find them. Also, leave contact details for neighbours or nearby family members that they can call for help if they have a problem. You should also encourage your children to memorize important numbers like your work number.

3. Stress the Importance of Security to Your Child

If your children will be home alone, make sure they know how to keep doors, trellis gates and windows shut. You may feel comfortable leaving teens at home on their own during the day, however, you need to stress the importance of being security conscious. Tell children to call if inspectors or service people arrive for jobs and let them know not to let them through any safety gates before you’ve confirmed who they are.

4. Show Teens How to Use the Security System

Your teens should know how to activate the alarm system and turn it off if they go out while no-one else is at home. Give them keys to security gates so they can get in and out safely and easily. Don’t leave keys under flowerpots if you can avoid it, burglars will immediately look for potential places you might hide a spare-key. Make children staying home alone aware of where all the panic buttons are.

Want to keep your family safe? Get effective home security with Wonder Bars’ trellis gates and window bars here

Loved our latest blog post? Take the next step in securing your home with Wonder Bars! Explore our range of services, including Cottage Pane Burglar Bars for timeless protection, Crystal-Clear Burglar Proofing for unobstructed views, and Swing Gates for Doors to add elegance to your entryways.

Looking for flexibility? Check out our Retractable Trellis Doors and Retractable Windows for adaptable security solutions. Protect against wildlife with our Vervet Monkey Proofing, or customise your security with Custom Door Security and Window Security Solutions.

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