Home Security Tips for Seniors

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Enhance your home’s protection with our custom security solutions tailored to your specific needs. At Wonder Bars, we offer affordable, intelligent products like burglar bars, security gates, and more—all designed without compromising on style. Contact us today for a free home security assessment and take the first step towards peace of mind.

home security tips

Home Security Tips for Seniors

According to a study by the Institute for Security Studies on understanding and preventing home invasions in South Africa, the two most common ways home invaders gain entry to a home is by forcing locks on gates or doors, and by breaking windows. For this reason, having strong burglar bars on your windows – and strong locks on your gates and doors – is essential to make gaining entry to your home sweet home difficult. This is particularly important to senior citizens, who’re often considered easy targets by criminals. Have a look at our five home security tips for seniors, and stop burglaries and home invasions before they happen…

Use the Peephole

If your front door does not have a peephole, consider installing one. These are affordable and give you a chance to see exactly who is knocking on your door. Home invaders will often pose as public officials or maintenance teams, spinning some or other story as to why they need access to your home. Once you let them in, your home is as good as ransacked. Should you hear a knock, and once looking through your door’s peephole you realise that your visitors are complete strangers, request that they return at a later date and time. If they insist on gaining entry to your home, call the police immediately

Check Identifications

Before letting maintenance teams or public officials into your home, request as much information from them as possible. First, find out which organisation and department they are from, then ask their names and titles. Once you have this information, call the organisation they mentioned and find out if they actually work there or not. NEVER open the door for individuals whose identifications you cannot verify. Asking your visitors to produce identification documents will not ensure they are actually who they say they are, as identification documents of all sorts are easily forged.

Install Panic Buttons

A big step toward ensuring your safety at home is to make sure that there are people who will come to your aid when you are in trouble. If you have an alarm system in place, speak to your service provider about installing a panic button or two in your home. Good spots for panic buttons are next to your bed and close to the front door. For a fee, once you activate a panic button, an armed response unit will promptly make their way to your home and confront any home invaders.

Bolster your Burglar Deterrents

As previously stated, breaking windows and forcing locks on gates and doors are the two most common ways criminals gain access to your home. For this reason, it is vital that all windows have strong burglar bars and that all gates and doors are fitted with strong locking mechanisms. Replacing gates with retractable trellis gates that feature slam-lock capabilities will mean greater security for you and your belongings. Installing cottage pane burglar bars will secure your windows, drastically reducing the chances of a home invasion.

Request a Home Security Assessment

Before getting started on implementing the above home security tips, request a home security assessment from those who make preventing home invasions their business. Contact us and we will put you in touch with a home security adviser who can assist you with the right burglar deterrent for your specific home security needs!

Loved our latest blog post? Take the next step in securing your home with Wonder Bars! Explore our range of services, including Cottage Pane Burglar Bars for timeless protection, Crystal-Clear Burglar Proofing for unobstructed views, and Swing Gates for Doors to add elegance to your entryways.

Looking for flexibility? Check out our Retractable Trellis Doors and Retractable Windows for adaptable security solutions. Protect against wildlife with our Vervet Monkey Proofing, or customise your security with Custom Door Security and Window Security Solutions.

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